Church Projects

God has blessed me with experience and education in coding, design, and printing. I have my own print shop and by the grace of God I've been able to carve out some time to help various parishes and institutions in our Synod. Here are a few of the projects I've worked on:

St Xenia Camp

Each year we do the shirts for the campers

SPOTS Apparel

We printed all the hoodies and shirts for SPOTS

St Philaret of NY Website

Hand-coded, responsive website for Fr John Hinton and the parishioners

SJD Orthodox Educational Initiative Logo

Redesign of the original woodcut icon of St John of Damascus

St Philaret of NY Logo Design

Fr John Hinton wanted a logo to capture the essence of the new stone parish they are building

SJD Orthodox Initiative Website

An ongoing redesign for the initiative

St John Confessor Drinkware

A small run of coffee mugs for Frs Michael and John Knox

SJD Orthodox Initiative Apparel

A small run of shirts featuring the redesigned logo for the initiative.